Welcome to the White Bear Lake Winter Whirl being held at Life Time White Bear Lake.
The Tournament format will be run as a Turbo-event, meaning each pool play match (9 games) will be rally scoring to 11 points, leading into a double-elimination bracket play match that all teams qualify for, which will be rally scoring to 15 points.
Schedule of events:
12pm-2:30pm: 3.5-3.99 Coed Doubles **PLEASE SHOW UP BY 1130AM FOR SIGNING IN AND WARM UPS/INTROS**
Event fees: $35 for Non Life Time members per event
$20 for Life Time members if registered by 12/31/2024, and $25 per event if registered after 1/1/2025, plus the $5 non-refundable PickleballBrackets service fee.
Please sign up for the appropriate division per DUPR rating. If you don't have a DUPR rating, we are trusting that you self rate appropriately, and we do reserve the right to move players to appropriate divisions based on DUPR rating. You must sign up for the event based on the higher-rated partner: For example, a team of player 1 = DUPR 3.40 and player 2 DUPR = 3.60 must sign up for the 3.50-3.99 event.
Primary ball: The Ultimate Pickleball by Life Time