Who's Your Dinker?
Tournament Description
Come have FUN and start our fundraiser to expand the courts at the Pioneer Park Pickleball Complex. This is a Dinking Tournament with a round-robin format. The teams will be divided into skill categories of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 or 4.5+ based on the average skill rating of the partners. The event is coed (2 men, 2 women or 1 each) with a minimum age of 10 for all players.
If you have not already made a player profile on PickleballBrackets.com, you will need to make a player profile in order to register.
You may register without a partner, but you must find a partner within 7 days or your status will change from active to wait list. When the identified partner registers after the 7 day grace period, the team will automatically move from the wait list back to the active list if there is a slot available and both teams have paid. If a player needs a partner, the team will automatically move from the wait list to the active list once a partner is identified, registers, and both players have paid if there is an available slot to move to. NOTE: Your spot in the tournament is not guaranteed until your partner has registered and all fees have been paid in full.
Registration will be by players and teams with no assignment of brackets until registration is closed (March 10, 2022). Then the skill divisions will be determined based on team ratings.
There are no referees. Matches are self-monitored.
Start practicing your dinking skills for an exciting morning of activity!
Tournament Director reserves the right to change format, split or merge divisions and/or change the schedule at his discretion
Additional Information
1st Ball serves to Diagonal Court.
Call the score before a drop or volley serve.
Ball must bounce on the serve and serve return. After that, you may volley.
Non-volley zone (Kitchen) and surrounding lines are in bounds.
Any ball hitting a player or anything they are carrying or wearing is a fault and loss of the point.
No cash will be awarded.
Refund Policy
Cancellation deadline is 9pm March 9th , 2022. No refunds for any reason after that date. Cancellations prior to that date are subject to a $5 administration fee.
If the tournament is cancelled due to COVID restrictions or directives from government authorities, we will credit your registration fees less any prorated incurred expenses toward a future PPA tournament.
If the tournament is cancelled due to weather prior to the start of the tournament, we will credit your registration fees less any prorated incurred expenses toward a future PPA event.
If an event has STARTED and is cancelled due to weather there will be no refunds or credits. We will make every effort to complete any event that has been started. Tournament Director reserves the right to change format, shorten games, or make any other changes they feel will help complete the event.
ALL REFUNDS will be sent after the tournament is completed.