Wolverine Pickleball Smashing Spring Series- 4.0 Women's Doubles

Club, 235 Metty Drive, Ann Arbor Michigan, 48103
All start times are subject to change and events might be merged or split based on event registration.

Invalid date - Invalid date

Tourney Timezone: Eastern
Round Robin doubles Tournament- play all teams once- games to 11 win by 2
Scores will be entered into DUPR

Refund Policy
Full refunds, and a $10 processing fee up until April 20th - - after that no refunds unless you have a replacement player.

Venue Information
Club,235 Metty Drive, Ann Arbor Michigan, 48103
Surface Type: Tennis & Concrete
Play Area Type: Indoor
Net Type: Permanent
Ball Used: Frankin X-40
Number of Courts: 12
Parking: No Fee

Officiated Type:None
Max Events per Registration:Unlimited
Cost Includes:1 Events
Guaranteed Games per Event:6
Allow Pets:No
Allow Food:No
Allow Grill:No
Allow Dish to Pass:No