Mixed Doubles events are Saturday, March 9th at the Nir Family 8:30am and 12pm
Men's Doubles events are Saturday, March 9th at the Nir Family Y at 4pm
Time and location for play will be specified at registration. If any changes to the schedule need to be made a confirmation email will be sent prior to the tournament weekend.
There is a maximum capacity of 8 doubles teams per division. Registration will close when that number is reached and a Wait List will be established.
Registration Closes February 28th, 2024 or when divisions are FULL.
Registration is January 1, 2024 - February 28, 2024 8:00pm.
Early Registraton Fee (Before February 10th): $50 for YMCA Members, $60 for Non-YMCA Members.
Late Registration Fee: February 10th - 28th: $60 for YMCA Members; $70 for NON-YMCA Members.
There is an additional $5 fee for second event.
A team must play at the skill level of the higher rated player and the age of the younger player.
Format: Round Robin for Seeding into a Single Elimination Tournament. The entire division will be completed in under 4 hours. Divisions with 8 teams - 2 pools of round robin play, games to 11, win by 2. Divisions under 8 teams - 1 round robin pool, games to 11, win by 2. Single Elimination - Games to 11, win by 2, except the Gold Medal Match - 2 out of 3 games to 11, win by 2.
Medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
Lime Green Jugs ball
All matches will be played on an indoor wooden gym floor. Bleacher seating for spectators.
Friday, March 8th at the Nir Family YMCA from 3:30pm - 6:00pm is a Checkin Gathering to Celebrate Pickleball. Pizza, Matches to Watch, a Practice Court, and a fun gathering with friends.
We will be holding 3 "Special Events".
(1) A Special Needs "Tournament" on Thursday, March 7th from 1pm - 4pm.
Donate $10 or volunteer to help by emailing jane.klippel@ymcasenc.org.
(2) A Parkinsons "Tournament on Friday, March 8th. 1 Parkinsons "Parkies" player pairs with a Non-Parkie.
Donate $10 or volunteer to Play with a Parkie by emailing jane.klippel@ymcasenc.org.
(3) A Mens and Womens <4.49 Money Ball Invitational. DUPR rating or some verification of skill level is needed. Please email jane.klippel@ymcasenc.org for details and to enter. Women will play at 8:30am Saturday, March 9th and Men will play at 3:30pm Saturday, March 9th $60 Entry Fee for YMCA Members and $70 Entry Fee for Non-YMCA Members. 50-50 split. 50% of entry fees go to Gold, Bronze and Silver winners.
Must have a minimum of 6 teams and max of 8 teams. This event will be closed when we reach 8 teams.