Lessons from a 1st-time Tournament Director (part 2): The Day-of Dynamics

Lessons from a 1st-time Tournament Director (part 2): The Day-of Dynamics

Welcome back to my journey as a first-time tournament director! In the first part of this series, I shared the rollercoaster of emotions and logistical hurdles I navigated while planning a fundraiser pickleball tournament for a Dallas-based school serving children with Autism. The event was a great success, with 110 players and 40 spectators, featuring competitive and “Just for Fun” divisions. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on the actual day of the tournament and the invaluable lessons I learned for future tournament planning.

1. Offer assistance for non-savvy computer users

Before diving into the day-of discoveries, let’s circle back to one crucial pre-tournament preparation, especially for first timers. Here’s a tip for my fellow directors: offer a lifeline to the those not well-versed in the digital dance. I believe that we, the tech-savvy, can sometimes forget that what’s intuitive for us can be a digital maze for others. Setting up a basic profile on Pickleball Brackets can be perplexing for some. “What’s my rating?” was a frequent question. We’ll get to that next, but here’s my advice: Offering a helping hand or a simple guide can be incredibly valuable, ironing out potential confusions before they have a chance to complicate things.

2.  Unravel the Ratings Riddle

Ratings—everyone’s favorite puzzle. With almost 40% of our players lacking an official pickleball rating, there was a mix of confusion and curiosity. To bridge this gap, we utilized the USA Pickleball Definition of Skill Ratings, and created a one-sheeter for quick reference. This helped demystify the ratings, guiding our participants to gauge their levels more accurately and it created a more balanced and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

3.  Avoid a Tournament Desk Disaster

Ah, the mayhem of the tournament desk—a beast I had been warned about but had to see to believe. The advice I received to “distance yourself from the mayhem” was golden. By establishing a two-tiered desk system, with a front desk handling inquiries and a back desk managing the logistics like assigning courts and recording scores, we created a much-needed buffer. This system allowed us to maintain a semblance of order amidst the chaos, a strategy I cannot recommend enough.

4.  Use the Court Desk Feature

One of my day-of “if only” moments came from not utilizing the Court Desk Feature. This was primarily due to spotty Wi-Fi, which forced us to run the tournament on paper. The lesson was crystal clear: technology can be a game-changer. Because the Court Desk feature in Pickleball Brackets‘ software fully automates everything, a hotspot would have allowed us to streamline operations, reduce manual labor, and enhance communication through text messaging. Our valiant volunteers felt the brunt of our analog approach. If I could have a do-over, I’d make sure Wi-Fi was readily available and I’d let the Court Desk feature do what it was born to do!

5. Let PT Perks be the Hero

Lastly, the unsung hero of our tournament was PT Perks. It was nothing short of a game-changer as players were buzzing with excitement, their curiosity piqued by the array of amazing sponsors. “How did you manage to get all these incredible sponsors?” became a question I heard repeatedly, a testament to the unforgettable experience we were able to create together. This is the power of PT Perks. It’s not just a program; it’s your secret weapon to elevate your tournament!

By tapping into PT Perks, you’re not just planning an event; you’re crafting a standout experience that showcases your commitment to excellence and attention to detail. Trust me — it makes you as the tournament director look good and shows your players that you’re willing to deliver an unparalleled pickleball tournament experience. Sign up your next tournament for PT Perks here.

In Summary:

As I wrapped up the tournament, the satisfaction of overcoming day-of challenges was immense. The lessons I learned were not just about organizing a pickleball tournament but more about community, adaptability, and the unexpected joy found in the heart of chaos. More than anything, I loved being a part of growing this fantastic sport of pickleball and I can’t wait to run another tournament!

I imagine that most of you reading this probably do tournament direction in your sleep, but to my fellow aspiring directors, may these insights light your path and perhaps save you from a few forehead-slapping moments. Here’s to the next adventure—paddles up, everyone!

Casie Caldwell
Pickleball Play Solutions