Summer Sizzler 2022

Summer Sizzler 2022
• Completed - 23 players
23 players registered
Jun 29, 2022 - Jun 29, 2022
Tournament Description
Plan to arrive no later than 6pm.
Check in at the score table and begin warm ups on courts 1-4
At 6:25 a whistle will blow and you will be told first game information. You'll report to your court, use the 1 or 2 on back of score sheet to decide side/serve and begin play immediately.
Games start promptly at 6:30pm (no bracket meeting)
1 game to 11 win by 1....fill out score sheet and hand to bracket manager.
You will receive text message of who next partner/opponents are and what court to go to next.
Bracket Meeting information:
You will be randomly put into 2 pools of 5 at check in
You play 4 games with every other player in your pool as a partner.
The two players in each pool with most points will move on to medal rounds.
Medal rounds will be another scramble with 3 games partnering with every other player.
Points start over in the medal round and medals assigned by most number of points scored.
Summer Sizzler at Montclair is designed to be a fun, small competition. Brackets include:
"Smokin' Hot" WDS 3.5 Scramble
"Drop it like it's Hot" MDS 3.5 Scramble
A scramble is where you sign up as an individual and partner with everyone else in your bracket.
Each bracket is limited to 10 players (5 teams).
This is low key, bare-bones event designed for fun and to help players get used to competing (and for us to practice hosting/using tourney software)
Registration Cost:
$20 per player.
Registration ends June 25 at 11:45pm
Please bring your own water and chairs.
Both brackets start at 6:30pm.
Warm ups will start at 6:00pm and brackets will begin promptly at 6:30pm
Please plan to have your phone handy as court assignments will be texted to you.
Refund Policy
No refunds